BCAE Membership Renewal
Current BCAE Members can renew their membership by simply paying the membership fee. As per our By-Laws Article 2.02, annual membership fee must be paid by June 30, to become a Voting Member of BCAE.
Payment Option 1 (Strongly Recommended): Online Payment by INTERAC e-Transfer: Go to your Online Banking and "Add Contact/Payee" as:
Name: Bangladesh Canada Association Edmonton
Email: finance@bcae.ca
Message: Please indicate in the e-transfer message "Membership Fee 2025 for ..."
Receipt: Upon submitting your e-transfer you will receive an auto-confirmation of payment/receipt.
Note: BCAE opted in for auto-deposit, so no password needed to pay the fee.
Payment Option 2 (In Case you are Unable to Pay Online): We can collect the membership fees from you in-person at any BCAE Event
Annual Membership Fee Amount:
a) Family-$40
b) Single-$25
c) Student Family-$25
d) Student Single-$15
e) Senior-$15
Why Become a BCAE Member: BCAE Members receives the following benefit (included but not limited to):
Attend BCAE events at a discounted rates (equivalent to $5 savings per person/per event)
Register kids to Bangla School at a discounted rates (equivalent to $100 savings per students/year)
Eligible for BCAE Members Only events
Can rent Bangladesh Center with a discounted rates (equivalent to $30-$40 savings per booking)
Can attend BCAE AGM and take part in decision making (membership fees MUST be paid by June 30)
Can take part in election process (membership fees MUST be paid by June 30)