BCAE Membership Renewal

Current BCAE Members can renew their membership by simply paying the membership fee. As per our By-Laws Article 2.02, annual membership fee must be paid by June 30, to become a Voting Member of BCAE. 

Payment Option 1 (Strongly Recommended): Online Payment by INTERAC e-Transfer: Go to your Online Banking and "Add Contact/Payee" as:

Payment Option 2 (In Case you are Unable to Pay Online): We can collect the membership fees from you in-person at any BCAE Event 

Annual Membership Fee Amount:

a) Family-$40

b) Single-$25

c) Student Family-$25

d) Student Single-$15

e) Senior-$15

Why Become a BCAE Member: BCAE Members receives the following benefit (included but not limited to):